It is difficult to understand the feelings of deception and anger I have about the Mormon church unless you yourself are a cult survivor. To others like me, this site is dedicated.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Good and True Belief System

I want a belief system that is inclusive rather than exclusive. One that accepts homosexual people. One that doesn't have a class system. Think about this: who did Jesus hang out with anyway? The prostitutes, the lepers, the wretched poor. So why would a religion honoring him exclude these? I cannot believe that God would make the path to heaven so difficult that few are able to make it. Once again, God loves and accepts all of us as beloved children. Recently I became interested in the Gnostic faith but unfortunately found that some of its knowledge was considered "secret" (see the gospels of Thomas, James and John). It's impossible for me to believe that Jesus would parcel out his teachings this way. Another thing: Jesus doesn't live in fancy churches and cathedrals. He lives in the humble dwellings where people pray for peace and strive to honor the Golden Rule.